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What are template settings and properties?

This article explains what template settings and properties are in Template Designer and which ones can be used with smart templates.  


  • Library and at least one Dynamics modules enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

What are template settings and properties? 

Template settings and properties can be used in Template Designer in order to customize statically or dynamically specific elements on the template level, such as the page orientation, the proofing language, the template name, the properties/metadata injected in the template, and more. Template settings and properties require a good understanding of the binding syntax and may be used in conjunction with functions, conditions, and operators.


It is important to note that template settings and properties are only supported with files that are stored in the Template Libraries (Documents, Presentations, and Spreadsheets). Settings and properties applied to the files stored in the Asset Libraries (Text elements, Email elements, Slides, and Slide elements), will not be injected into the document, or the presentation upon insertion. The assets will inherit the settings and properties from the template they are being inserted into.

Template settings and properties 

The availability of template settings and properties available for smart templates will be dependent on the type or template being built. Below is a comprehensive list of the available settings and properties linked to deep-dive articles.

Where to find template settings and properties in Template Designer

Template settings can be accessed and set up through the Advanced tab of Template Designer: 


word settings admin_role
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