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Combining the binding syntax with static text to achieve advanced Dynamics use-cases

This article explains how the binding syntax can be used together with static text within smart templates to achieve advanced use-cases with Dynamics. The combination of static text and the binding syntax is especially used when creating advanced smart fields.


  • Library and at least one Dynamics modules enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

Using the binding syntax with static text in smart templates

Sometimes, when building a smart template, it might be required to create complex text bindings in order to achieve specific use cases using both dynamic and static input. These use cases may be applicable to smart fields or to template properties. Achieving this type of advanced use cases requires a good understanding of the binding syntax and might require a good knowledge of conditions, functions, and operators based in the desired result.



Combining static text and the binding syntax can also be used to create paragraphs and bullet lists as the lines breaks added in the binding field will results in different paragraphs during the document creation/update.

Use cases examples

Examples 1, 2, and 3 can be applied to all templates/assets supporting Dynamics, example 4 can only be applied to the spreadsheets Library.

Example 1

Using a custom text binding to combine static text and binding syntax for user profile information and response form answers, to create a customized sentence for a prospect. The binding is:

{{UserProfile.Company.Name}} could easily help {{Form.CustomerCompany}} with its {{Form.CustomerMainPainPoint.Name}} by {{Form.CustomerMainPainPoint.Description}}.

Input Output
UserProfile.Company.Name = MyCompany
Form.CustomerCompany = ProspectA
Form.CustomerMainPainPoint.Name = brand activation
MyCompany could easily help ProspectA with its brand activation.
UserProfile.Company.Name = MyCompany
Form.CustomerCompany = ProspectB
Form.CustomerMainPainPoint.Name = repetitive document creation
MyCompany could easily help ProspectB with its repetitive document creation.

Example 2

Using a custom text binding to combine static text, line breaks and binding syntax for response form answers, to create a bullet list containing the prospect company facts. The binding is:

{{Form.CustomerCompany}} founded in {{Form.CustomerCompanyYear}}

{{Form.CustomerEmployeeCount}} employees working out of {{Form.CustomerCountryCount}} countries

Input Output

Form.CustomerCompany = ProspectA
Form.CustomerCompanyYear = 2014
Form.CustomerEmployeeCount = 500
Form.CustomerCountryCount = 21

  • ProspectA founded in 2014 
  • 500 employees working out of 21 countries

Form.CustomerCompany = ProspectB
Form.CustomerCompanyYear = 2019
Form.CustomerEmployeeCount = 140
Form.CustomerCountryCount = 3

  • ProspectB founded in 2019
  • 140 employees working out of 3 countries

Example 3

Using a custom text binding to combine static text, line breaks and binding syntax with Upper() function, to apply the desired casing to the user information: the first paragraph should contain the name of the user in uppercase, the second paragraph should mention the user's job title and the company name in the same casing as used in the user profile. The binding is:


{{UserProfile.JobTitle}} at {{UserProfile.CompanyName}} 

Input Output

UserProfile.Name = John Doe
UserProfile.JobTitle = Sales Manager
UserProfile.CompanyName = CompanyA


Sales Manager at CompanyA

UserProfile.Name = Jane Doe
UserProfile.JobTitle = Product Owner
UserProfile.CompanyName = CompanyB


Product Owner at CompanyB

Example 4 

(applicable to the Spreadsheets Library only) 

Using the header and footer property in Excel together with Microsoft headers/footers format code and binding syntax to apply the desired formatting to the user information in the header: the name of the user and the job title should be separated by a line break, the name of the user should be bold and the job title italic. The binding is:



Input Output

UserProfile.Name = John DoeUserProfile.JobTitle = Sales Manager

John Doe

Sales Manager

UserProfile.Name = Jane Doe
UserProfile.JobTitle = Product Owner

Jane Doe

Product Owner


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