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How to target the distribution of Templafy modules

This article will explain how to distribute the Templafy modules to a targeted group of users. 


Which module can be targeted in Templafy? 

Only a subset of modules can be targeted to specific user or user groups: 

  • Check module
  • ProductivityPlus module
  • Email Signature modules
  • AI Assistant module 

How to target distribution of Templafy modules

  1. Navigate to the Modules tab 
  2. Find the activated module you want to distribute, and click on View details
  3. Add or remove the required users or user groups by clicking on the arrows appearing while hovering a user/user group
  4. Click Save changes


  • Modules can be distributed to an existing user or user group.
  • Users or user groups must be added; If no selections are made, no users will receive the add-in. 


  • Adding a user group or editing a user group assigned to a module will be refreshed hourly. After the refresh takes place, end-users will receive the correct add-ins with the next Templafy Desktop update. 
  • Adding or removing individual users assigned to modules will be instant. End-users will receive the correct add-ins with the next Templafy update.
  • The ability to target distribution applies to Check, ProductivityPlus, AI Assistant, and Email Signature modules only.
  • Server Mode is not supported.
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