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How to enable and disable a template for Offline

This article explains how to enable and disable Offline templates. 


  • Library module enabled.
  • Offline templates module enabled.
  • Templafy Desktop3.4.51 or above.
  • Library VSTO add-in 7.1.79 or above.
  • Space owner access to the Templafy tenant.

How to enable templates for Offline

With the Offline templates module, Space owners have ability to make up to 5 templates per template library per Space available for offline use. To enable a template for Offline: 

  1. Go into the Documents, Presentations or Spreadsheets library.
  2. Select a template. 
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab. 
  4. Enable the Make this document (presentation/spreadsheet) available offline checkbox. 
  5. Click Save:

How to disable templates for Offline

  1. Go into the Documents, Presentations or Spreadsheets library.
  2. Select a template. 
  3. Navigate to the Settings tab. 
  4. Unselect the Make this document (presentation/spreadsheet) available offline checkbox. 
  5. Click Save

How Offline templates are updated

Templates which have been made available offline are locally stored on the user's machine. If new templates are made available or Space owners made edits to existing Offline templates, they will be synchronized with the Templafy Desktop update mechanism. 

If edits are made to the template itself, Templafy will trigger a redownload of the template with the next Templafy Desktop update cycle. Examples of updates on a template level include activating or deactivating it for offline availability or downloading and replacing the document.

Edits to template details such as the template name, folder location or Space, will become visible with the next Templafy Desktop update. For detail changes, the template itself will not be redownloaded.

Why a template cannot be made available offline

There are multiple cases in which a template cannot be made available offline:

  • The limit of 5 offline templates for the template library has been reached.
  • The template is being processed, generating previews, validating or failed processing. 
  • The template contains unsupported Dynamics components.


If a template that was previously enabled for offline is replaced with an unsupported file, or a file that failed processing, an error message will be displayed. The template will no longer be available offline, however the admin will need to manually untick Make this document available offline:


offline enable templates disable offline template
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