This article explains how to use the Other section of the Productivity tools.
Pick and apply shape format
- Select the shape you would like to pick the format from.
- Click Pick Shape Format.
- Select the desired formatting to be picked.
- Pick Position.
- Pick Size.
- Pick Size and Position.
- Pick other formatting (shape color, shape effect, font color, font size, ...).
- Select the shape you would like to apply the format to.
- Click Apply formatting.
- Click on Workspace.
- Show/Hide the workspace on all your slides.
NoteIf there is no "Workspace" placeholder defined in your current presentation, it will look for the main body placeholder. |
Slide Master View
- Click on Slide Master View.
- Open/Close the Slide Master View.
Send to unused
- Select the slide(s) you would like to send to an "unused section".
- Click Send to unused.
- An "Unused section" will be created at the end of your presentation and will contain all the slides you previously selected.
Make PowerShapes
PowerShapes can be created based on any groupable PowerPoint element (e.g. shapes and pictures, but not tables or placeholders).
Simple PowerShapes - example
- Create the desired shapes.
- Select all the shapes.
- Click on Make PowerShape button.
- Your PowerShape has been created.
Advanced PowerShapes - example
- Create three shapes.
- Create a rectangle with no fill and no outline colors covering all the shapes.
- Group the rectangle and the shapes together.
- Copy and paste the group twice.
- In the first line delete the two last shapes.
- In the second line delete the last shape.
- Select all shapes and click on Make PowerShape.
- Your PowerShape has been created.
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