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Picture section

This article explains how to use the Picture section of the Productivity tools.

Compress pictures


  1. Click Compress Pictures.
  2. Select the compress options and the resolution.
  3. Click Ok.

Crop, Fill, Fit


  1. Select a picture
  2. Click Crop, Fill, Fit and select the desired behavior
    • Crop: remove any unwanted areas.
    • Fill: resize the picture to fill the entire picture area, while maintaining the original aspect ratio. Any area of the picture that falls outside of the picture area will be cropped. 
    • Fit: resize the picture so that the entire pictured displays within the picture area, while maintaining the original aspect ratio.

Create a presentation from pictures


  1. Click Create presentation from picture.
  2. Navigate through your folder and select a folder containing pictures.
  3. Click Ok.
  4. A presentation will be created containing one picture per slide.


Supported picture formats: PNG, JPG, JPEG, EMG SVG.

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