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How to add links (URL) to the Library

Links that are frequently used and need to be readily available to your organization can be added to the Templafy Admin Center in the Links Library. 


  1. In the Links Library, click on + Create link.
  2. Enter the name of the link. The name will be displayed to the end-user.
  3. Enter the URL of the link (URLs should start with http:// or https://). The URL will not be displayed to the end-user.
  4. Add a description (optional). The description will be displayed to the end-user.
  5. Add tags (optional). The tags will become keywords for the search.
  6. Click on Create:

How to edit a link created in the Library

  1. In the Links Library, select an existing link.
  2. In the side pane, edit your link.
  3. Click Save:

Where and how will the links be available

The links created in the Admin Center will be available in Outlook Library and in the Web App. 

In Outlook 

In Outlook Library, the end-user will be able to insert the link into an email.

In the Web App

In the Web App, the end-user will be redirected to the URL when selecting it. 

library links hive
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