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How to upload files to Libraries

This article explains how to upload assets (files) to Libraries. 


What you can upload in Libraries

It is possible to upload: 

  • A single file.
  • Multiple files at once.
  • .zip files.


  • If a folder structure exists in the uploaded .zip file, the folder structure will be kept and recreated in the library.
  • The .zip file to be uploaded shouldn't exceed 350MB.

How to upload assets

To upload assets to Libraries: 

  1. Navigate to the desired library (Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Text elements, Images, etcetera) and use either:
      • Drag and drop (1).
      • Click and browse with the Upload button (2):
  2. The file(s) will be uploaded and processed:

How the upload behaves in the different Libraries

  • Documents, Presentations, Spreadsheets, Text elements, Email elements, Images, PDF: when uploading an asset to one of these libraries, it will be displayed as one single asset to the end-user. 
    E.g. if you upload one presentation containing 20 slides in the presentation library, the end-user will see one presentation. 
  • Slides: when uploading an asset to these libraries, all slides contained in the asset will be presented as individual/separate assets to the end-user by default. You can enable a presentation as a slide collection to allow the presentation to be displayed as one single asset to the end-user.
  • Slide elements: when uploading an asset to this library, all slides contained in the asset will be presented as individual/separate assets to the end-user.
    E.g. if you upload one presentation containing 20 slides in the slide library, the end-user will see 20 individual slides. 
upload zip file hive
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