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What is Templafy Library?

Templafy Library is a module that will allow end-users to access content and assets through the WebApp, Microsoft Office applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook), or any application Templafy has been connected to.

What can I find in the Library? 

Template Libraries

Icon Name
color.svg Documents
color.svg Presentations
color.svg Spreadsheets

Asset Libraries

Icon Name
dark.svg Slides
dark.svg Slide elements
dark.svg Text elements
dark_large.svg Email elements
dark.svg Images
dark.svg PDFs
dark.svg Links

Integration to external image libraries (DAM systems)

Templafy can also integrate with several external image libraries (DAM systems) - More about external libraries integrations.

Document creation and delivery flows

You can use the options at the bottom of library pane to create new documents from templates using + Find template, save the document to your your desktop or other platforms* using Save to... or share the document with your colleagues using Share buttons.

*Saving to other platforms is available if Delivery connector module is enabled and configured. The delivery connector article is intended for Templafy Admins and Owners.

How can I access the content from the Library? 

You can access the content that was made available by your Library administrator through: 

User Profile asset company data excel composer availability end_user_role
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