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How to distribute a default template to the end-users

This article guides you through the process of distributing default Word/PowerPoint/Excel templates (also known as "blank templates") to users with Templafy Library.



  • Supported formats are .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx.
  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Click on the 'Upload' button (arrow up) in the required template Library (Documents/Presentations/Spreadsheets):
  3. Select the template to distribute to the end-users.


  • If no default template is set in Library Configuration, the default Office blanks will be pushed to end-users. Note: this is a Templafy version of the Office blanks.
  • Dynamics usage: required form fields, text element insertion, slide insertion, Ticks() and the date function Now() are not supported in blank documents.
  • If a blank document is started from the Start screen using New document/presentation/spreadsheet or when it's started from the ribbon using New document/presentation/spreadsheet then the response form will not be displayed. The user can adjust the (default) answers afterwards by clicking Update document.
  • A blank document (or presentation/spreadsheet) can also be started from the Composer. In this case the response form will be displayed.

How to update the default template

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Click on the ellipsis menu next to the template to be updated.
  3. Click on Replace:
  4. Select the updated template.


Templafy will attempt to update the blank document at the start of the respective Office application, or at a time between 00:00 and 01:00 user time if the application is always open.

How to download the default template

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Click on the ellipsis menu next to the template to be downloaded.
  3. Click on Download.

How to delete the default template

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Click on the ellipsis menu next to the template to be deleted.
  3. Click on Delete.

Where to find default template in Office applications

From the Office start-up:


From the Office Ribbon:


From within Templafy Composer:


Brand compliant Microsoft document (Word)

When a Blank document is uploaded in the Library configuration, Templafy updates any document that is initiated from the built-in blank document in Microsoft Word for Windows with the content of the company approved blank document that distributed with Templafy. So any flow in Word for Windows that uses the normal.dotx/m will be intercepted by Templafy in order to update it to a compliant version.

When no Blank document is uploaded in the Library configuration, the default Office blank will be pushed to end-users. Note: this is a Templafy version of the Office blank.


The same prerequisites as mentioned at the beginning of this article, plus:

  • Default template is configured in the Library configuration for Documents.
  • Version 7.3.83+ of Library Add-ins (7.3.88+ includes better logging of errors).
  • Templafy Desktop and Office VSTO add-in installed on the PC.


  • This feature only works with the Templafy VSTO Library Add-ins and does not have any impact in Office Online or Office for Mac.
  • The feature is applicable to all new document flows based on the normal.dotx/m in Word for Windows, except when creating a new Word document through the Windows File explorer context menu.
  • The end-user should have a valid User Profile.
    • If the end-user has an invalid User Profile and the blank document contains User Profile fields, then the end-user's new document is created with the normal.dotx/m.
    • If the end-user has an invalid User Profile and the blank document does not contain User Profile fields, then the end-user's new document is created with the branded blank document.
  • When Templafy detects a new document is created from the normal.dotx/m the content of the Templafy Blank document (template) is copied over to the document that is created. This includes fonts, styles, headers/footers, themes, sections, meta data (except for MSIP) and other content of the Templafy Blank document like text, fields, and logo.


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