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How to edit the name and description of the Libraries

This article guides you through the process of editing the name and description of Templafy Libraries. Admins are able to add customizable descriptions and guidance directly within each asset library. This enables end-users to locate and understand the content available in each library more effectively.


Library names and descriptions are displayed in the Library Admin Center, in the Web App and in the Library pane of the Add-in.

How to edit library name 

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Select the text in the Name field of the desired Library and edit it.
  3. Click Save.



  • The default name is translated in Templafy’s supported languages. Once edited, the name will no longer be translated.
  • The names of the libraries will be the same for all Library users (tenant-wide) and cannot be adjusted per space (not space-based).
  • The name of the libraries cannot exceed 25 characters.

How to add asset library description

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Type the text in the Description field of the desired Library.
  3. Click Save.


When end-users hover over an asset library that contains a description, the description is shown:



  • Since the descriptions are customizable, they won't be subject to translations.
  • The maximum limit for descriptions is 200 characters.

How to edit asset library description

  1. Navigate to Library configuration in Admin Center.
  2. Select the text in the Description field of the desired Library and edit it.
  3. Click Save.
administration Library hive rename
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