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How to edit email fonts

This article explains how to edit email font settings, both for new emails and reply & forward emails. 


How to enable and set preferred email fonts

  1. Go to the Admin Center of your Templafy tenant.
  2. Navigate to the Email signatures section.
  3. Click on the More options ellipsis menu in the top right corner.
  4. Click on Email fonts.
  5. Set a checkbox next to Enable font settings to the email body on Outlook on Windows.
  6. Choose the appropriate Font type, size, and color. You can enter the HEX color code or use the mouse to click on colors in the panel.
  7. If you wish to apply the same font settings to your Reply & Forward emails, just enable the checkbox highlighted in the screenshot
  8. Click Save once the desired configuration is in place.

Email fonts.png


  • Email fonts are disabled by default.
  • Email font will apply to the email body only when using Email Signature VSTO add-in.
  • Supported fonts: Arial, Courier New, Garamond, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana.
Email signature server admin_role
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