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How to use the SharePoint integration

This article explains in detail how to use the Templafy SharePoint integration from an end-user perspective.

In essence, an end-user right from within SharePoint can directly find/create both static/dynamic documents, presentations, and spreadsheets based on Templafy templates stored in the Templafy Library.

The user can also utilize the Templafy task pane to locate and insert assets from the Templafy's Library that are either stored directly in the user's company's Templafy tenant or stored in different SharePoint sites belonging to the company. 

Finally, once the document or presentation is finalized, the user can save it directly from the Office application to any folder in a particular SharePoint site. 


This is an end-user guide, if you don't have Templafy available in SharePoint, please contact your local Templafy IT Administrator.

Create documents/presentations/spreadsheets directly from a SharePoint site. 

With the SharePoint Templafy integration, you will be able to access Templafy templates that are stored in your company's Templafy's tenant library right within a SharePoint site. This allows you to build on-brand documents, presentations, and spreadsheets and save them back to the same folder in SharePoint, any folder on a separate SharePoint site, locally on your PC, or on another platform (only if that has been configured for your organization).

These documents are accessible from the Create document button located in the SharePoint sites set up by your administrator. 

  1. On the SharePoint site, click the Create document button.
  2. Templafy's document creation flow will open up.
  3. Choose a file.
  4. Fill out the form, if present or required. 
  5. Click Save back to SharePoint.
  6. The file will be saved to the folder where the document creation started and will be redirected to Office Online so that you can continue editing the document.

If it is desired to choose a different folder in the same SharePoint site, or on a different site:

  1. Click Other actions.
  2. Click Save to SharePoint.
  3. Authenticate, if you haven't done so. 
  4. Click SharePoint again.
  5. Choose a site. 
  6. Choose the desired folder. 

Insert assets from the Templafy Library that are stored in your company's Templafy tenant. 

Once you have opened the document you need and you are in editing mode in Office Online, with the Templafy Library web add-ins, you will be able to insert assets directly into this document. These assets are the ones that your company's Templafy administrator has decided to upload directly into your company's Templafy tenant in order to make them easily available to you. 

  1. In the Home tab, click on the ellipsis menu.
  2. Select Templafy.
  3. Browse the library and click on the asset you need to insert into your document or presentation.

Insert assets from the Templafy Library that are stored in different locations in your company's SharePoint sites.  

In our effort to solve the problems of disconnected content, and provide a single source of truth for employees, Templafy has built an integration that allows us to surface any static asset in the Templafy Library while being stored and managed within SharePoint.​ Each static asset type will be displayed as its own Library within the Templafy task pane in order to provide you with the option to display and insert these desired static assets. Regardless of whether it is the desktop or online version of Office, Google workspace, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Outlook, the Templafy web app, or any other program where the Templafy library is available, you will be able to access these assets and start using them immediately. 

Example in PowerPoint on a Windows-based PC (using the VSTO add-in).

  1. If Templafy is not open, in the Home tab, click on the Templafy button. This will trigger the Templafy task pane to open. 
  2. Browse the Library.
  3. Depending on the name your Templafy Administrator has given to the SharePoint Library, you should be able to locate it after the default libraries of Templafy. In this case, we have added the "SharePoint" name to our libraries. 
  4. Click on one of the libraries you would like to browse. In this case, we have selected the PowerPoint slides that our SharePoint Administrator has uploaded to one of our sites. 
  5. Click the Log in button, as you need to authenticate yourself. If you are signed in with your user credentials of your company on the PC, you should have a seamless SSO authentication flow. If not, please sign in with your company credentials. 
  6. Once authenticated, Templafy will now display the slides that are stored in the SharePoint site configured with the Templafy Integration. 
  7. You can now insert the assets in the same manner as you always use Templafy. 

Save the document/presentation/spreadsheet directly from the Office app to any SharePoint site the user has access to.

Once you have finalized the document and are ready to save it to a SharePoint site, 

  1. Click Save to...
  2. Click Save a copy to SharePoint.
  3. Authenticate, if you haven't done so.
  4. Choose a site and a desired folder.
  5. Click Save to copy to...
    The file will be saved to the folder and can be accessed by clicking the link.


If the “Folder is empty” message appears, or the library is not showing any content, it most likely means that:

  • you do not have the necessary rights to access the content of this Library, or
  • the folder is empty in SharePoint, or
  • no content is available in this folder for this application.
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