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How to use Update Document

This article explains the Update Document functionality that becomes available after a document has been created by the end-user.


  • Update Document only works within the Templafy VSTO add-in.
  • Document Content Updater must be enabled from Template Designer.
  • Update Document works in Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

What is Update Document?

Update Document is a functionality that appears after a document has been created by the end-user. After creation of a document, the end-user will have the possibility to update the created document based on either a new User Profile field selection or a new dynamic form field selection - if either of the two options have been configured dynamically in the template. 

To use the Update Document functionality, you can use the Update Document button located in the Templafy group on the Home tab:


You can also access the Update Document button by opening the Library pane from the add-in. The Update Document button appears in the top right corner in the task pane: 



  • Only templates that are set up to be Document Content Updater enabled by Admins can be updated through the Update Document button in the Templafy task pane.
  • The Templafy desktop MSI installed on the PC must match the tenant from which the template was generated for the Update Document button to be displayed.

How to use Update Document


The example below uses Word to showcase the functionality, but this works similarly in PowerPoint and Excel. In PowerPoint the name of the button is Update Presentation and in Excel Update Spreadsheet.

  1. Create a document from Templafy in Word.
  2. If the document is created from a dynamic template, the Update Document button appears in top ribbon next to Templafy add-in for easy access. Click on Update Document.
  3. Edit information in the response form. For example, select another user profile (if it contains values that dynamically insert content into the document) or change the value in one or more questions.
  4. Click Update.
  5. The current document is updated.

In this example another user profile is selected which does not only change the name of the author, but also the document language (from English to Dutch). As a result, the month of the date in the updated document shows 'oktober' instead of 'October'. Also, the subject of the document is changed:




dynamic update document document content updater update presentation update spreadsheet
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