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How to build and distribute email signature parts

About this article

In this article you will learn how to build an email signature from start to finish. This will include from creating the signature, to building the HTML, as well as activating the signature.


  • Templafy Hive
  • At least one of the Email Signature modules enabled
  • Admin rights on your Templafy Tenant


Create the email signature part

There are multiple parts possible to an email signature (tag line, main signature, campaign, and disclaimer). All parts are edited in the same way and the only difference is the order of appearance. To create a part, follow these steps:

  1. In the Templafy admin page, navigate to the email signatures tab.
  2. Click on the signatures part to create the main signature (or the signature part to create).
  3. Click on the Create button in the top right corner
  4. Follow the steps to either create from HTML or Template. 
  • Make sure to define if the signature will be used for only new or reply messages otherwise if it should be for everything set it it to all messages.
  • Make sure to set the target audience if the message should appear for only external users or internal users. Otherwise if it should be the same for all, set it to all messages.
  • Before building the HTML make sure that the creation of your user profile is completed in order to use the bindings. Check this article for how to include the user profile fields in the signature.

Deploying the signature

Target Users and Domains

Firstly, make sure the correct domains for the signature part are enabled as well as your target users/groups are configured. You can do so with the following steps:

  1. Select the signature part to deploy.
  2. Click on the Domains tab and make sure that you have the domain you to deploy to "Applied Email Domains" and it is checked off.


  3. Select the Target Users tab and filter to any specific users or groups if needed, they will function as an OR between Users and User groups. Alternatively, filter also by using user profile fields.

Reorder signatures

Next, reorder the signature part making sure to include the most restrictive ones at the top of the list.

  1. When in the correct email signature part, reorder by clicking the top right button Reorder.
  2. Drag the email signatures as shown below.
  3. Click Confirm.



  • Prioritization is important if multiple signatures are applied to any given user:
    • There is no fallback option for signatures: If a signature of priority #1 fails (Ex. due to an incomplete user profile) but signature of priority #2 would still render, the user will not receive a signature.


Verify Signature Part

Next, make sure the signature part is verified. Check all of the important options such as timeframe, audience (internal/external), applied to (new/reply) and any filtering (target users/groups).

Activate Signature Part

When all of this information has been verified, activate the signature part with the following steps:

  1. Navigate back to the signature part to activate.
  2. Select the signature from the list.
  3. Click on activate from the right hand side.



Synchronize your signatures in order for the changes to reach the user level.

  1. Click on the More options ellipsis in top right and then Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Synchronization tab.
  3. Click Synchronize now.


  4. Open Outlook and either click 'edit email signatures' or restart Outlook to preview the signatures.
  • Tip: We recommend testing the signature before rolling it out. Reorder the signature to the top of the list and ensure it is only targeted to your user. Once completed, reorder the email part and reset the target users if you would like it to apply to everyone.


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email signature
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